Ghoul Groove Patch and future

We recently updated Ghoul Groove to a more stable bug free version. That said, it is still unfinished level design wise and we plan on expanding on it in the near future, so stay tuned :)

Here's a list of the changes in this new version:

  • Added game over screen (with cause of death highlighted)
  • Fixed game breaking glitch where if you waited for the autoscroll to push you in front of a breakable block with no way out it would push you out of the map (now it just kills you)
  • Fixed overall collision system with the walking bois. Old collision system even caused the one that walk toward you to teleport backward randomly.

We now plan on extending the main level, adding new gameplay features, polishing what we got and improving how the autoscroll work in order to not have your aim constantly drift anymore!


Ghoul Groove (Updated Ver) 116 MB
Jul 19, 2020

Get Ghoul Groove

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