A downloadable thing for Windows

Disclaimer: This is sadly not the game of all time, but we decided to post it regardless to not have this odd game that is absent in the Speg Corp collection despite being a Speg Corp original game. We had multiple problems,   and weren't available most of the weekend, but there were still many people that worked hard on this (shoutout to Thomartin),  so it would have been sad to just ignore their work. With that said, I hope you'll go into this game with an open mind, this is not meant to be a competitor in the jam, more so just something we made during the jam, and that taught us a lot regardless of its final state :)

In Big Fat Blob appears! a big fat blob appears, blocking the hero on his most triumphant and virtuous journey... with infinite respawns and the pure heart of the chosen one, surely he will succeed?


This game is played with mouse. Click the buttons to use attacks. Additionally, some attacks can be aimed by clicking the arena in different places.


    Devon - Lead Programming

    seebeyond - Player AI

    Serponge, ExpiredMilk - Additional Programming

    Thomartin - Lead Artwork

    Prism, Tob - Additional Artwork

    domi - Music, SFX


FatBlob_Win_VM.zip 8.5 MB


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ops never catch me without this club